Terra Nova Ag is a specialist provider of subsoil amelioration services, from program design through to delivery utilising the first commercial scale machinery of its kind.
The ultimate objective of our service is delivering sustainable improvements in productivity and profitability.
We work with clients in tailoring amelioration programs to address subsoil constraints that are limiting production.
Our team combines vast experience in subsoil amelioration and agricultural production to develop and deliver on programs.
Programs are delivered using custom-built commercial scale machinery which has been developed over more than a decade.
Ongoing monitoring is undertaken for a period after amelioration to assess improvements in soil structure and impact on productivity.
Our preliminary work focuses on identifying subsoil constraints affecting production across clients’ properties, followed by a more in-depth investigation and soil analysis on particular areas considered more likely to be responsive to subsoil amelioration.
Program design incorporates recommendations on:
Program delivery is undertaken by our expert team using custom-built 2m, 4m and 8m machines, which have the ability to rip into the subsoil to a depth of up to 400mm, inject up to 20 tonnes of amendment per hectare, at a working rate of up to 3.5 hectares per hour.
Throughout the program, we work closely with our clients in monitoring responsiveness of subsoils to amelioration, report periodically on findings as well as providing any management recommendations to optimise the results of the program. A final report detailing the performance of the program and results achieved follows completion.
Based on our experience working on duplex Sodosol soils at Yaloak Estate covering over 1,000ha, we have seen yield increases consistently within the range of 20-45% from subsoil amelioration, and permanent improvements in subsoil aggregation.