The origins of Terra Nova Agriculture

Terra Nova Ag was established as a standalone business in 2020 after a decade of experience in researching, developing, and deploying subsoil amelioration technology initially for use on our own property.

About Us

Terra Nova Ag’s mission is to be at the forefront of innovative knowledge and technology that help farmers discover new, sustainable agricultural production frontiers.

Our origins are founded on decades of experience in managing a large broad-acre mixed farm enterprise in Victoria, where the focus on research, development and innovation has been a key driver in improving productivity and profitability.

“With escalating land prices, rising input costs and increased climate variability, our industry must discover new transformational opportunities to increase sustainable production and profitability. We are determined to be part of the solution.”

Simon Falkiner - CEO

Terra Nova Agriculture
Quality Service

Our service begins with the end in mind

The ultimate objective of our service is delivering sustainable improvements in productivity and profitability.

Customised Solutions

We work collaboratively with clients in tailoring amelioration programs to address subsoil constraints that are limiting production.


Our team combines vast experience in subsoil amelioration and agricultural production to develop and deliver on programs.

Specialised Equipment

Programs are delivered using custom-built commercial scale machinery which has been developed over more than a decade.

Ongoing Support

Ongoing monitoring is undertaken for a period after amelioration to assess improvements in soil structure and impact on productivity.

Our History

Subsoil amelioration | Research to Commercialisation

Our knowledge and experience in subsoil amelioration has been accumulated over the last twenty years by facilitating and participating in inhouse and industry research, developing and continually improving commercial scale machinery, and undertaking subsoil amelioration programs on our own property in the High Rainfall Zone. More recently we have worked with clients located in rainfed and irrigated production systems in northern Victoria.

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Capabilities & Process

Custom-built commercial scale machinery

Our capability includes commercial scale one-of-a-kind machinery systems that allow deep ripping into subsoils to apply high rates of poultry litter, green waste compost, pelletised products or blended soil ameliorants.

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The kick-start

Our machinery initially shatters the soil profile at the interface of the topsoil and subsoil, with customised amendment injected at depth to maintain soil structure and create the conditions for the processes that follow.


Chemical and biological response

The amendment targets chemical constraints such as sodicity and excessive alkalinity, creating conditions where fungi and bacteria can thrive while improving subsoil structure.


New production frontier

Productivity increases as a result of improved soil structure, increased ability of the soil to store water, and greater nutrient cycling and microbial activity with increased root mass.

The Terra Nova Ag Team

Tailored design to achieve client productivity targets

Our experienced team works with clients and their advisory team to identify subsoil constraints and design and implement customised subsoil amelioration programs.

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